Thursday, 10 March 2011

Magazine Research

Music Magazine: NME
NME, being a music magazine, target audience is those intrested in the music industry and is written to appeal to teen's and adults of any gender. Each issue usually has an interview with an artist. It is published by IPC Media and has been running every week since 1996.

Game Magazine: XBOX 360
A gaming magazine that chooses to only review and advertise xbox games.
Future Publishing Limited

 #update 28/05
Air Gun Magazine: Airgun World
a magazine dedicated to reviewing Air Guns, interviewing manufacturers and commentate on shooting competitions. Run by Archant Specialist Limited, it is released monthly.

Fashion Magazine: VOGUE
A fashion magazine, mainly aimed at a female audience that is known to be at the cutting edge of fashion. it features an airbrushed model on the front of every issue and probably has many photos of clothes and other fashion accesories. the type of adverts featured inside are probably of perfume and clothes - things that appeal to the readers.

Car Magazine: AUTOCAR
Autocar is a car magazine that has been reporting the car scene since 1895. In each weekly release, there is a main feature (i.e. Lotus Esprit) and sneak previews of upcoming cars. The magazine is targeted at the car enthusiast and is published by Haymarket Media Group

Home & Health Magazine: The Ladies Magazine
The ladies magazine is a magazine targeted obviously at ladies. It gives information on typically female jobs like receptionists and nanny's, advertises holidays and also is a normal womans magazine that talks about the best places to buy things and what to buy. its published by The Ladies Magazine Ltd. and has been running since 1885 

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